Fall2020 - Spring2021
Professor: Paola Zellner Bassett
Time: 8 months
Location: Tianjin, China

After the COVID-19 had been eliminated in most cities in China, the government of China tried to encourage people to take part in street stalls, in a way to solve the problem of unemployment for a while, as many small businesses shutted down during the COVID. Then here came the trend to regalvanize the street-stall economy. At this point, many people realized that “street market” could be considered as a new form of self-business under the atmosphere of COVID-19.
In fact, the street market was still flourishing 10 year ago in China. During the fast process of urbanization in most cities, they were eliminated and replaced by some concentrated markets by the government’s interference.
But if we analyse the reason why the street market happened in the cities, we found that this social activity is closely related to people’s living habits and culture. Fresh vegetables, fruits, meat and seafood, street foods stalls, and also the street arts, people gathered along a street spontaneously.
The elimination of traditional street markets was also induced by the fast development of urban transportation. Once the methods people chose to commute changed, the urban texture became different from the previous street based on walking and relatively slower transportation tools.